Make a Donation
Accountability and Reporting
Code for Life employs a proven theory and methodology of change. Having developed clear
learning objectives, we will track each students’ progress in the areas of Web Basics, Agile
Methods & Life Skills, and Coding Development making changes to our program as we seek
continuous learning. We will report on our impact to our partners.
Nyack College is a critical partner providing financial management for Code for Life. All
donations intended for Code for Life are directed to Nyack College for disbursement. Each
donation will be tax deductible through Nyack College.
Partner to Equip the Next Generation of Creator & Makers
As a Code for Life Partner, you will be equipping young people living in Harlem to thrive in life! We believe our young people are gifted and just need the encouragement, instruction, tools, and space to acquire the life and tech skills they will need to thrive in our new economy. You can provide your financial support in the following ways:
Please make checks out to & send:
Nyack College
Attn Code for Life
2 Washington Street, 20th floor
New York, NY 10004
Wire or Stock Donations: Please contact Code for Life at 917-405-3612
Online Donations can be made via Nyack College’s website by clicking below and typing in Code for Life where it says other. Thanks in advance for your support and partnership!
Wire or Stock Donations:
Please contact Code for Life at 917-405-3612